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Bulk Oil customer: I just wanted to thank you again for your speed and efficiency in enabling me to join the scheme so quickly and take advantage of the 'reduced' rate. I have been very anxious about refilling the oil tank but this scheme has eased some of that concern. Many thanks
Fiona - Electric Tricycle User, Age 51. 'I purchased an electric tricycle as I have Multiple Sclerosis and can no longer ride a bicycle due to poor balance and mobility issues. I have found that being out on my tricycle that my fitness has improved and it has had an impact on weight loss. With the pedal assist I am still able to pedal and use my legs which is important to keep my muscles active, reduce numbness and I am also able to cycle further including hills and this also helps with fatigue as I tire easily. I have enjoyed being able to access local rural areas which has had a positive impact on my mental health and wellbeing, especially during this difficult time due to Covid-19 and being isolated as a clinically vulnerable person. This has meant that I have been able to get out of the house and feel safe whilst exercising. There are a lot of support groups on social media where I have met other like minded cyclists who have offered invaluable support and advice and I have met up with another lady tricycle rider as a riding companion.'
Mrs Surfleet a registered customer of the car scheme thanked HWRA for an excellent service and also to personally thank the driver, Terry for his help and assitance in providing transport to her medical appointment.
Wheels to Work North Lincolnshire Scheme - John from Grimsby ‘I joined the scheme in 2021 after hearing about it from a family member. I was in need of transport to get to and from work as I had my motorbike stolen and was not able to replace it. As a short-term arrangement I was relying on a family member to take and pick me up from work. For me the key benefit of the wheels to work scheme was that it provided me with a scooter that enabled me to get to and from work, it also gave me back independence and freedom. I would definitely recommend the scheme and I have done so to friends who are need of transport to get to work. Don’t’ underestimate the scooters as they are extremely reliable . My experience of the scheme was great, and I was glad that I was successful in receiving a scooter via the scheme’.
Our Men in Sheds Humber Alliance supports sheds all over the East Riding , North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire- Comment from a local shedder who attends regularly, "The shed is brilliant, we have a laugh. Some people are busy all the time and others don't do a thing but sit and chat over a cuppa".
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Housing by communities, for communities - East Yorkshire

With the creation of the new North Yorkshire and East Riding Community Led Housing Hub, this organisation acts as the focal point for all enquiries regarding Community Led Housing. In addition, the website has a vast amount of resources to help for those considering starting a Community Led Housing project. To find out more visit

Community Led Housing in East Yorkshire

Our aim is:

  • To promote Community Led Housing as a viable housing delivery option with tangible and non-tangible benefits to all potential residents, communities and partners throughout the East Riding
  • To provide a point of contact through the CLH Hub, with information and support for the development of all forms of community led housing
  • To help deliver workshops and activities to interested communities
  • To develop a pipeline of Community Led Homes throughout East Riding, the majority of which would be affordable homes to enable the sustainability of rural and market town communities, and support existing services, to create new opportunities.

What is Community-Led Housing?

Community Led Housing involves people and communities taking the lead in providing their own housing solutions, creating affordable, sustainable, high quality homes that remain in perpetuity for the community. It helps people develop new skills and knowledge and builds resilient, confident communities.

Community Led Housing comes in many different forms – there are no standard, off the shelf approaches, but they can include:

  • Community Land Trusts providing affordable homes for local people in need – for rent or shared ownership – by acquiring land and holding it as a community asset in perpetuity.
  • Housing co-operatives involving groups of people who provide and collectively manage, on a democratic membership basis, affordable homes for themselves as tenants or shared owners.
  • Cohousing schemes involving groups of like-minded people who come together to provide self-contained, private homes for themselves, but manage their scheme together and share activities, often in a communal space.
  • Tenant management organisations providing social housing tenants with collective responsibility for managing and maintaining the homes through an agreement with their council or housing association landlord. You can find out more about the right to manage here.
  • Self-help housing projects involving small, community-based organisations bringing empty properties back into use, often without mainstream funding and with a strong emphasis on construction skills training and support. Here are 3 great examples of self help housing organisations: LatchCanopy and Giroscope.
  • Listen to an interview with the managing director and an employee from Latch in our podcast series Communities Building Homes here.
  • Community self-build schemes involving groups of local people in housing need building homes for themselves with external support and managing the process collectively. Individual self-build is not regarded as community led housing. You can find more out more about self and custom build here.

Regardless of which form the project takes, there are three main principles that Community Led Housing adheres to:

  • The community is included in all key decisions and involved throughout the development.
  • The community takes a long-term formal role in the ownership, stewardship or management of the homes.
  • The benefits of the project to the local area and/or community group are clear and legally protected in perpetuity (ie. with no end date).

We can help you through the process to develop a scheme which suits the needs of your community or group.

Community Led Housing delivers community benefits:

  • Keeps family networks together, reducing social care bills
  • Enables key workers to live close to work
  • Supports rural businesses, with local customers and workforce
  • Helps to keep village schools, pubs, shops and Post Offices open
  • Cuts spending on Housing Benefit
  • Improves health and wellbeing and saves the NHS money
  • Improves social mobility and leveling-up

East Riding of Yorkshire Council can provide funding through the Community Housing Fund to support these types of developments. Humber & Wolds Rural Action provides a Community Led Housing Advisor to any group who wishes to see these types of homes built in their community. 

Anyone can start, volunteer and deliver a Community-Led Housing project. You don't need to work in housing, have a degree in architecture or be a builder. If you think a change is needed, you can lead it.

Heron Educational Foundation based in Humbleton (10 miles east of Hull) are now building two 3 bed semi detached homes on land they own and are about to start the refurbishment of the Old Schhool and Headmaster's House in Humbleton, owned by the charity. These buildings will provide three 2 bed cottages and one 4 bed house and hope to be completed by the end of 2022. See pictures below.

For an informal chat or to find out more about the project and how it could help your community please ring 01652 637700 or email

Here is a video produced by Rural Community Council of Essex and ACRE, who like Humber & Wolds Rural Action, are part of the ACRE Network. The video shows the impact of Community-Led Housing on those who live in the affordable homes provided. It is called Roxwell Affordable Housing Scheme, Essex. Their area may be different from ours, but it shows what can be achieved by small rural communities who work together to help their residents who are in housing need. Enjoy!

Support is also available for groups interested in Community-led Housing:

Community Right to Build grants to help you get community-led housing proposals to planning  

Using Neighbourhood Planning to look to the future of your area which can include Community-Led Housing.

Heron CLH Homes starting in Humbleton

Housing by communities, for communities - East Yorkshire
Housing by communities, for communities - East Yorkshire
Housing by communities, for communities - East Yorkshire

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